Home Based Data Entry, Receivables & Medical Billing/Coding Positions

We are always interested in adding qualified individuals for data entry, coding and receivables. We have a “virtual” office, meaning each of our employees work from his/her home, determining their own hours. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Our Company Mission is to assist our medical providers:

1. Improve the cash flow and office efficiency of their practice.

2. Improve patient satisfaction and retention.

3. Continually look for new and better ways to reach these goals for our clients.

Employees must undergo a rigorous background check. Working knowledge of HIPAA is a prerequisite for employment.

Please complete our online application at the link below if you wish to be considered for any of these positions.

Get more info and apply for this job:

[private_member][private_trial]E-Billing Solutions
PO Box 720148
San Diego, CA  92172
Apply Here: http://www.ebillingsolutions.net/jobs.htm[/private_member][/private_trial]
