Moving Co. Seeking Customer Service & Reservations Reps, Work From Home

[ismember]► U-Haul International ◄ [/ismember]As a remote team member you will receive incoming calls from customers calling specific moving centers across the US and Canada. Representatives answer general product/rental inquiries and secure/schedule reservations for trucks, trailers, towing devices and storage rooms.

Representatives maintain close working relationships with staff and personnel while also assisting customers with their moving and storage needs. The Center Sales and Reservations department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You must be able to work one weekend day each week and holidays.

We offer paid training, flexible hours, moonlighters (part-time), and temporary positions.

Applicants should have good verbal skills, must be computer-literate with the ability and understanding to install software applications, a clear speaking voice and general knowledge of United States geography is required.

**This is a work from home (WFH) position, when you telecommute from home you must have your own computer, a reliable cable or DSL broadband internet connection and you must purchase your own headset.**

Required Skills/Attributes:
Customer service, Computers (basic general knowledge), Reservations, Telemarketing, Typing, Data Entry, Sales

Get more info and apply for this job:

[private_member][private_trial]U-Haul International
2727 N Central Ave
Phoenix , AZ 85008

Apply Here:
(Visit the jobs search page and search for the word “home” for a list of current positions)[/private_member][/private_trial]
